Sunday, July 20, 2008

Remove scratches on iPod

The iPod is a beautiful player, but it can also be fragile. Luckily, with a cheap can of metal polish, you can get your iPod back into tip-top shape. All you need is a can of metal polish, and a soft cloth and your iPod. Before you apply the polish to your iPod and start scrubbing, you will want to make sure your iPod is relatively clean, so give it a gentle cleaning with some water and a soft cloth. Apply the polish to the soft cloth and start scrubbing you iPod in small circular motions. Start off gently, keeping in mind that you need to apply more pressure to get rid of some of the deeper scratches. Be patient, though, as you may have to scrub the iPod for a while before you start to really notice the difference. After anywhere from five to 20 minutes, you should have a hugely restored finish on you iPod, and the saucy stainless steel back that makes the iPod so attractive should be looking close to brand new. When you decide to call it quits, be sure to clean the polis off your iPod. If you want to get rid of the scratches on the front of the iPod, repeat these steps but be careful. The last thing you want to do is mess up you controls and the screen.

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