Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hair care in Summer

Summer is here and so does other concerns. And for girls, its most likely they are much worried about their hair and skin. So, a few tips to take care of your hair during summer. Besides skin sweating, the scalp too sweats giving room for many germs to prosper in it. This ultimately damages the scalp and results in hair fall. For those who hangout in sun face the problem of hair drying. For all these problems, here are some tips.

  • Shampoo your hair on regular basis say 3-4 times a week.

  • Use mild shampoo and shampoos with UV protection are preferable.

  • Use conditioners to moisten, nourish and soften your hair. It helps in preventing hair breakage. A preferable option would be to use leave on type of conditioners rather than washable type conditioners.

  • A better way is to use natural ingredients like henna, egg, curd etc to apply on scalp.

  • Avoid using hair dryers in summer cos this may lead to further damage of hairs.

  • Avoid all sorts of fancy stuffs in your hair like curling etc.

  • Prefer for clips rather than bands or fringes cos they make you to touch your hair and result in dandruff etc.

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